Our Surgeons & Specialists

Dr Luciano Sciacca

GMC Number: 6059223

Dr Luciano Sciacca (GMC Number: 6059223) is a specialist in FUT and FUE Hair Transplant in London. Dr Luciano is a General Medical Council registered specialist in Vascular Surgery.

Dr Ahmad Moussa

GMC Number: 08072544

Dr Luciano Sciacca (GMC Number: 6059223) is a specialist in FUT and FUE Hair Transplant in London. Dr Luciano is a General Medical Council registered specialist in Vascular Surgery.

Dr. Athanasios Christopoulos

Thousands of hair transplant cases

Dr. Athanasios has been doing thousands of cases in Greece and Dubai. He is the Director of C-CLINIC based in Athens and the Medical Director of Advanced Hair Studios in Dubai.

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